There is nothing Hollywood likes better than rehashing ideas. So even though Millenium Entertainment were late to the party — with production company 1984 Private Defense Contractors beating them to the idea of a female "The Expendables" and casting Gina Carano and Katee Sackhoff — they are getting the ball rolling on their own riff on the riff of an idea that is already totally fucking played out.
Anyway, they've enlisted "Legally Blonde" writers Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith to pen — wait for it — "ExpendaBelles." We're not sure if the title is supposed to be cute or demeaning, but it certainly is stupid. Of course, that's all the info at the moment, and while folks will start tossing around names they would like to star, the studio would like to remind you that until they have the all-important script, no offers will be made. But we have to wonder if they'll be playing second fiddle to a movie that is already busy making offers and enlisting women for their movie? It's not like the pool is that big to begin with.
We don't need "The Expendables 3" let alone an "ExpendaBelles" at some point in the indeterminate future, especially following another movie that's already gearing up. But there is no bad idea in Hollywood they won't try at least twice. [Deadline]