An arty, surreal, beautiful, enigmatic head-scratcher, A24 is tasked with selling the unconventional “Under The Skin” to a wide audience, without presenting Jonathan Glazer‘s movie as something it’s not. Yes, it’s about an alien, disguised in the drop dead gorgeous body of Scarlett Johansson, preying on men across Scotland. But no, it’s not what you think that logline leads you to believe. Largely dialogue free, almost documentary-like in approach at times, while throwing all regular notions of narrative out the window, viewers will have to lean in a bit (and will be rewarded for their efforts). To get them there, A24 doing some stealth campaigning.
It’s pretty clever, with a Casual Encounters ad place on Craigslist asking, “w9he2n9 is the la2st t2ime y3ou to4uc4hed 1som4eone.” So hot. Anyway, if you want more viral goodness, you can check out this website which also asks the same question, and let’s you respond.
“Under The Skin” opens on April 4th. Craigslist ad and some new one sheet imagery below. (Oh, and you might want to try dialing this number: 929-223-4414).