Update: Fox tells Variety that rumors of ‘Days Of Future Past’ being shot and presented in 48 fps are “completely false.”
Get ready to debate and complain again. As you might remember, Peter Jackson, in a bid to push the viewing experience for movie audiences forward, shot and released (in select cinemas) “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” in a much-hyped 48 frames-per-second. But in the end it wasn’t well received. Months before the movie hit theaters, a preview of the new format divided attendees at CinemaCon and by time the movie came out, the 48 fps thing was downplayed severely, and only select a handful of cinemas playing the movie in the format. (So much so, that ‘Desolation Of Smaug’ was also shot in a fancy high framerate, but there’s almost nothing in the promos so far that even mentions it). But could another franchise be giving it a boost?
According to a couple sources speaking to AICN, Bryan Singer‘s “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” has fully embraced the high frame rates. “X:DoFP was shot in HFR and will be released in 48fps,” the site’s source said. “The filmmakers played coy because of the negative reaction to the technology when ‘the Hobbit’ film was released, but love the results and will be standing behind a theatrical release in high frame rate.”
Nothing is confirmed via official channels, so we’ll have to see how it plays out. While this will reignite the benefits and drawbacks of the format (namely that hyper-realistic images kind of make the fantastical look pretty fake), whether audiences are willing to be sold yet another new fangled, supposedly better way to watch movies, remains to be seen.
Thoughts? Share ’em below. “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” drops on May 23, 2014.