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‘Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker’: Daisy Ridley Says “The Parents Thing Is Not Satisfied” Yet, Plus New Images Have Been Released

We are now just one month away from the next film in the “Star Wars” franchise, and with it, the end of the Skywalker Saga. So you better believe that Disney is entering the phase of marketing where film fans are going to be inundated with wall-to-wall news about ‘The Rise of Skywalker,’ including a new report from EW, which features interviews with the cast and crew, as well as new photos from the highly-anticipated film.

While we still don’t know the true plot of the film, the report does shed some light on when the story of ‘Rise of Skywalker’ takes place. ‘Rise of Skywalker’ is set a full year after the events of ‘The Last Jedi,’ where we saw the Resistance completely decimated, but hopeful. Now, they’re still trying to get their stuff together.

READ MORE: ‘Rise Of Skywalker’: Daisy Ridley Describes The ‘Star Wars’ Film As “Dark, Scary, Sad & Joyful”

“They’re trying to put bandaids on this leaking ship of the Resistance,” Oscar Isaac said.

Despite admitting that he’s in the middle of a “race” to finish the film in time, director J.J. Abrams says the production of ‘Rise’ went smoother than ‘The Force Awakens‘ because back then, he didn’t know if the actors could carry a “Star Wars” movie and everyone and everything was so new.

“We had more reshoots on ‘Episode VII’ than this one,” Abrams said. “We had more story adjustments on ‘VII’ than this one. We didn’t know if these characters would work, if the actors would be able to carry a ‘Star Wars’ movie.”

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Billions of dollars later, it’s clear that Isaac, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and the rest of the new crop of actors that joined during ‘The Force Awakens,’ are perfectly capable of selling a “Star Wars” film.

Perhaps one of the most controversial aspects of the new film is the fact that ‘Rise’ is said to offer the definitive explanation of Rey’s parents, which was seemingly revealed in ‘The Last Jedi.’ However, as Ridley explained, that explanation that her parents were nobodies doesn’t sit right with Rey and she thinks the audience is also expecting a better resolution to the story.

“The parents thing is not satisfied — for her and for the audience,” Ridley said. “That’s something she’s still trying to figure out — where does she come from?”

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She added, “It’s not that she doesn’t believe it, but she feels there’s more to the story. And she needs to figure out what’s come before so she can figure out what to do next…”

It’s unclear if Abrams plans on completely erasing the reveal that Rian Johnson gave about Rey’s parents or if we’re led to believe the speculation that Kylo Ren was just giving the young Jedi false information to manipulate her. We’ll just have to wait and see. The same with the inclusion of Force Ghosts. A mainstay of the ‘Star Wars’ franchise, Force Ghosts are something that we’ve seen in quite a few films. But as for their inclusion in ‘Rise,’ Abrams is keeping mum, as to ensure a surprise.

“That’s probably best answered,” the director said, “by not answering it.”

“Star War: The Rise Of Skywalker” opens December 20. Check out the new images below including the first look at Richard E. Grant‘s First Order character who is, sorry, not Admiral Thrawn as many fans hoped.

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