Friday, March 28, 2025

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Podcast: The Playlist Talks Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’


We've finally taken the plunge and decided to record our very own podcast here at The Playlist. The format of the show is still very much a work in progress, but we hope this content serves as a chance for our readers to listen in to all the chatter happening around The Playlist water cooler. Editor and occasional contributor Erik McClanahan will be your host, and we hope to feature all members of our staff on shows to come. So please let us know what you think about this new endeavor. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and will no doubt help us move forward on figuring out a structure for the podcast. 

In our debut episode, I gathered two of our leading voices on The Playlist for a SPOILER-heavy chat about Ridley Scott's divisive return to science fiction, "Prometheus." Comptroller Rodrigo Perez, Managing Editor Kevin Jagernauth and I all have varied opinions, theories and thoughts on the film. A few notes: even with a near hour long discussion, we managed to miss a few major points on the film (we're still working out the kinks for this podcasting thing). The theme of immortality plays an important part in the film, and if you consider that a certain dude by the name of Jesus was born 2000 years ago, well then perhaps that's some motive for those pesky Engineers to do what they do in the film. And if you still haven't gotten your fill of "Prometheus" after listening, head on over to our latest The Good, The Bad & The Ugly feature on the film where a few similar topics are broached.

Let us know if we missed anything else, or if you agree or disagree with any of our takes by sounding off in the comments section below. SPOILERS abound in this podcast, so we suggest you listen to it after seeing the film. You've been warned. 

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