Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Because Nobody Retires A Character Anymore, Patrick Stewart Keeping The Door Open For Professor X

Generally speaking, comic-book movies are brands first, with creativity considered somewhere further down the list. One can’t help but wonder if Christopher Nolan had a sense of what was coming when he decided that “The Dark Knight Rises” would be his final Batman film, and sealed off those three movies in their own, contained universe. It forced Warner Bros. to reboot, but it left Nolan’s movies untouched by what has become a Hollywood game of sprawling movie universes that feel narratively inconsequential. “Logan” certainly offers an antidote, and Hugh Jackman (after some wavering) has decided to hang up the claws and go out on a high note. Patrick Stewart also recently said of his Professor X, “I think it is the end for me too” — but of course, it might not be.

READ MORE: ‘Logan’ Finally Delivers A Wolverine Movie With A Bloody, Beating Heart [Review]

In a Facebook Live event with MTV News, Stewart backtracked on his retirement talk. “I would have said yes [to retiring], but the discussion just now about ‘Deadpool‘ makes me think, ‘Well, maybe there is a proper justification for the revival of Charles Xavier,’ ” he said.

Start getting those “Deadpool 2” rumors started. It would be nice if actors and studios knew when to move on from their characters, but as long as they remain valuable IPs, that’s not likely to happen.

“Logan” is now playing everywhere.

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