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George R.R. Martin Wanted A Much Bigger ‘Thrones’ Presence In Last Night’s ‘Westworld’

If you’re one of the viewers that have stuck around to watch Season 3 of “Westworld” (a not-so-large number, apparently), then you were probably surprised to see a special addition to the cast of the sci-fi series in last night’s episode. A character appeared that has his roots in another HBO megaseries, and his appearance in the newest “Westworld” episode has fans curious about what’s to come.

READ MORE: ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Premiere Saw A Massive Viewership Decline From Season 2

**Spoiler for episode 2 of “Westworld” Season 3**

Last night, a dragon appeared in “Westworld.” But not just any dragon. THE dragon. As was revealed in a new interview with Variety, Drogon, of “Game of Thrones” fame, appeared in the most recent episode of “Westworld,” along with the co-creators David Benioff and DB Weiss. For the full context, you should watch the show, but suffice it to say, the inclusion of Drogon wasn’t necessarily a huge plot point, but something that everyone definitely will notice.

But according to Jonathan Nolan, co-creator of “Westworld,” if ‘Thrones’ author George R.R. Martin had anything to say about it, the crossover between the two HBO series would have been a lot bigger.

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Nolan explained, “We’re also friendly with George R.R. Martin, and George had consistently since the first season said, ‘We’ve got to do a tie-in with “Game of Thrones.”’ People forget that George was originally a TV writer and he came up in the TV world in which you’d occasionally have these crossover shows, which the fans would fucking freak out over. So George had always been pitching the crossover show.”

However, as “Westworld” co-creator Lisa Joy added, Martin’s idea of a crossover was much more involved than what viewers saw Sunday. She said, “But like a full situation. ‘Game of Thrones’ world, or something!”

And for those ‘Thrones’ purists, you needn’t worry—the Drogon in “Westworld” is, indeed, the “real” one from the original show. In fact, the team at “Westworld” hired the FX crew that created the dragon to bring it over into the new series.

READ MORE: George R.R. Martin Explains Why HBO Turned Down The Three-Movie Ending For ‘Game Of Thrones’

“There was some back and forth about whether Season 4 or Season 5 Drogon, and some debate about how big the room was and what position the dragon could be in. But yeah, it’s just irresistible,” said Nolan.

As for whether or not there will be a “Game of Thrones” world in “Westworld,” the creators have shut that idea down. However, it’s obvious that Nolan and Joy are definitely interested in peppering in some Easter Eggs for viewers.

“Westworld” Season 3 airs on Sunday nights on HBO.

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