Thursday, February 20, 2025

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I’ll Be Back: Arnold Schwarzenegger Says He’ll Be In The ‘Terminator: Genisys’ Sequel

Terminator: GenisysBack when "Terminator: Genisys" was first announced, the official press release stated that it would be "the first in a stand-alone trilogy," but as we’ve learned since, that’s not entirely the case. Firstly, the face of the franchise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is returning in a very prominent role. And while the plot for ‘Genisys’ looks to be essentially wiping the slate clean from whatever happened in the previous movies, it’s also borrowing heavily from them too, whether lifting past catchphrases ("I’ll be back"; "Come with me if you want to live"), or just looking like an inferior version of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day." And it’s clear that if there’s a sequel, Arnie will again lumber into it.

The Arnold Fans (via Slashfilm) asked the aging T-800 if he would be in the sequel, and he answered, “Yes, of course, next year.” So, spoiler alert I suppose, but maybe no one should be surprised at this point.

Of course, this is all dependent on ‘Genisys’ being a hit, and right now it has a long way to go. Paramount has yet to try and counter the rather tepid reception to the first promos for the flick, but you better believe they’ll be putting their best foot forward as the release date nears. And even if U.S. audiences shrug and this one underperforms domestically, it’s the kind of flick that could easily do gangbusters internationally which is probably all that would be needed to flip the switch on a followup.

‘Genisys’ reboots, sorta, on July 1st.

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