Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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How Is The ‘Wettest County’ Casting Going To Work? Either Way: Greenlight This Project

Considering the potential cast — Shia LaBeouf, Ryan Gosling, Scarlett Johansson, Paul Dano and Michael Shannon are all names reportedly circling the picture— if John Hillcoat’s “The Wettest County In The World” actually happens as planned it’s going to be on everyone’s radar as one of the most anticipated film of 2010 (or 2011, depending when it shoots).

However, slight concern on our parts as we just finished the script. Set in 1930s-era prohibition in Virginia, the script structure is largely solid and the prose itself (Nick Cave is the writer) is remarkable; vivid and tactile.

The based-on-a-true-story tale centers on three, real-life brothers, the Bondurants (the author of the book which it’s based off of, Matt Bondurant, is actually the grandson of one of the brothers). They are essentially legendary and feared bootleggers (“wet” as in: copious amount of booze available) that have a reputation as being tough as nails and practically immortal they’ve escaped death so many times. They have a moonshine dynasty in Franklin County, Virginia that’s about to be threatened by the authorities wanting a cut and they are essentially badass motherfuckers. Or most of them.

There are three brothers. Forrest, Howard and Jack in order of age and toughness. Jack is the baby and doesn’t have the stomach or tolerance for pain and booze that the older Forrest and Howard do (Forrest is described as a giant, Howard a drunk and Jack the runt).

So we assume this means: Michael Shannon as Forrest (works perfectly), but then you need another titan of a brother. So Ryan Gosling plays Howard (beefts up a bit, grows back that mammoth beard) and Shia LaBeouf plays Jack (would be perrrfect)?

Where does Paul Dano fit in? Our initial reaction and or worry is that the three brothers are Dano, Gosling and LaBeouf simply because they’re names and carry enough starpower, but considering the text, that doesn’t work. Perhaps Dano could play Jack or Howard depending on who accepts or who goes.

John Hillcoat has already said that LaBeouf and Gosling are basically onboard, but has noted how hard it is out there for a script like that to be greenlit and just how tentative this project may be (if someone does give it the thumbs up, it’s probably because of star power, not the story or script, even though both are excellent, if possibly a hard sell to mainstream audiences). And as for Scarlett Johansson? There seems like one role made for her as a Mennonite girl, but it’s not much of a role and though we’re not trying to discourage anyone if she were to sign on, we would assume it would be to work with the cast and filmmaker, not really the part itself. One role, the part of Forrest’s will-they-or-wont-they paramour, that’s filled with sexual tension screams the part of Christina Hendricks, but that’s just a casting suggestion. For all we know that’s the part Johnsson could take (the character is a buxom redhead), but she seems mismatched to Shannon who seems the logical choice for Forrest.

Why all the concern? Cause we care, want this one to happen, but hope it all nets out as it should. Either way, these are all pretty plum roles (at least the men’s are, Howard is a particularly fierce, chaotic drunk with a thirst for receiving and delivering physical punishment) and there are two “villains” that could be juicy bastards as well (one an over-eager law enforcer new to town, one a rival bootlegger).

Someone greenlight this please.

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