Saturday, March 8, 2025

Got a Tip?

Happy 2nd Belated Birthday To The Playlist

Time flies when you’re losing your sanity. Once again we missed our birthday and second year anniversary.

We’re not big on self-promo, it’s the work that should speak for itself, nor are we big on referencing ourselves or our personal lives, it’s about the content, who gives a shit about us, but regardless, The Playlist has been alive for two years now as of April 1st (a fitting and ironic birthday), so we suppose that’s cause for a brief pause and celebration (woo! ok, that’s it).

We launched with our 7 & 8 edition of our Playlist Soundtrack series and then from there did our regular routine of movie/music jackassery that like 12 of you were so fond of (our first real post was about Charles Burnett’s long-lost classic, “The Killer Of Sheep“; we know many of you want more Soundtrack Series editions, but we lost Ipods and experienced hard drive crashes. Hopefully more one day).

And then we changed and evolved organically like all good enterprises do. Not out of any calculated reason, but simply because it’s where our whims and digressions took us. The team has similarly grown, changed, evolved, etc. Here’s some of the people who contribute to our hard work, they should be applauded and take a little bow.

Anywhoo, happy very-belated birthday to us. Thanks for reading. If you like the site, please pass it on to your friends, moms, babysitters, etc. As you were.

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