Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Contest Giveaway: 2 Tix To Tomorrow’s NY Performance Of Jonny Greenwood’s ‘Popcorn Superhet Receiver’ Performance

There will be atonal string compositions! Live in New York city? Want two tickets to tomorrow’s Jonny Greenwood’s U.S. orchestral debut (it actually debuts tonight) of his “Popcorn Superhet Receiver” at the very-excellent Wordless Music Series? (thank to our insider bee). Yeah, you do.

Yes, we poked fun at this concert before in jest and yes, Greenwood won’t be there, but that won’t matter. If you’ve drank the milkshake that was “There Will Be Blood,” (and if you haven’t, you really should), you’ll know that Greenwood’s haunting, disconcerting orchestral scores are otherworldly and creepy as fuck (this is a good thing).

Think the unnerving score to “The Shining” and the compositions of Krzysztof Penderecki But wait, we do realize, the ‘Blood’ score and the ‘Superhet’ composition are two different things, but Paul Thomas Anderson’s film does include some of the ‘Superhet’ piece “Smear” in the film and well, hey, if you like Greenwood, you like Greenwood. AM I RITE?

Though those thinking it’s gonna be remotely like Radiohead are going to be surely disappointed.

“I went in trying for it to be like a pure electronic experience, just sounding like white noise coming from the stage.” Greenwood told the New York Times of ‘Superhet.’ “But at the first rehearsal, it was obvious that that’s impossible. So I had to start again and just turn it into a celebration of the fact that you can’t get this blank mutual hiss from an orchestra. Instead, you get what sound like melodies and chords going on, just as an extension of what people are doing. And once you’re in a room hearing it, it’s a beautiful thing.”

Sounds aural-tastic. Want the pair? Email us and let us know the answer to this trivia question: What is the name of the actor that Paul Dano replaced on the set of ‘Blood’ a few weeks into production? *Update*: contest OVER, thanks for playing.

The ‘Milkshake’ catch-phrase phenomenon, while fun, is threatening to jump the shark any moment now [ed. so why’d you use it above, asshole?], but our friends over at MTVNews are humbling submitting a new verb – “Plainview,” – the deep-seeded, resentful desire to see those around you fail miserably and those who have done you wrong to suffer all types of colon cancers.

Or favorite part is the castigation of certain correctly-labeled as-horrible records. “I will Plainview Rivers Cuomo for everything since Pinkerton (especially Make Believe). I will drink the Mars Volta’s milkshake for Amputechture. And I will bring the bowling pin to Billy Corgan’s house as a way of saying thanks for Zeitgeist.” Aw, good times.

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