Thursday, March 20, 2025

Got a Tip?

Broken Social Scene Musically Involved In ‘Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World’

Gee, did we not call this from practically day one or what? The answer, in case you’re curious, is yes.

Anyone that knows the tightly-knit group of Toronto, indie rock musicians revolving around Broken Social Scene knows, when one tentacle of their expansive membership is involved in a project, usually that means another one is not far behind. So, when Canadian synth-rockers Metric were announced to be part of Edgar Wright’s “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World,” we simply assumed that their counterparts in BSS (and other local artists) would be in the film (it didn’t hurt that founding Broken member Kevin Drew was seen hanging out with Edgar Wright, Radiohead and ‘Scott Pilgrim’ music director/producer/ curator Nigel Godrich last year in Toronto). So yes, it’s true.

Wright himself let the cat out of the bag in a recent Eye Weekly video interview we transcribed.

Asked if he was a fan of Metric, the new-wave-y Canadian rockers who so far are including a B-side in the film (puulease, you know they’re gonna do more than that) Wright said, “Absolutely. I suggested them being in it, Metric and Broken Social Scene are involved as well.”

There you go. Ok, so far we know that Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich, Metric, Broken Social Scene and hard-rock favorites Sloan are involved, but if you want more clues to what the music will be, most of it is much of it is hinted at in the original books by Bryan Lee O’Mally (we’ve laid it all out here with info on all the bands in the graphic novels too; our guess is you’ll see more of the extended Broken Social Scene family, probably Joel Plaskett and his now defunct Great White Rock indie rock bands Thrush Hermit, Zumpano, Be Your Own Pet and if Edgar is keen enough to use the Superfriendz’s underappreciated classic, “Karate Man” (a fun appropriate song considering the kung-fu action sequences in the film), we can probably die happy.

Broken Social Scene are always involved in some kind of film work and will be seen next doing a small cameo covering Joy Division in “The Time Traveler’s Wife” due in August of this year. There last major film appearance was recording about four new tunes for Bruce McDonald’s “The Tracey Fragments.”

Here’s “Karate Man.” C’mon Edgar, you know you have to use it. Before we forget, we should plug our friend Stuart Berman’s BSS book coming out May 15 called, “This Book Is Broken.”

Broken Social Scene – “Ibi Dreams of Pavement”

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