Thursday, March 27, 2025

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Blog-Fight: Awards Daily Vs. The Golden Derby – Tom O’Neil Shrill Crybaby?

We didn’t really have time to get into this whole Awards Daily vs. Gold Derby‘s Tom O’Neil feud, but holy shit, O’Neil posting pictures of books he’s written and his awards collection?

Then he essentially says, my blog is bigger and better than your blog! My dad can beat you up! We get more traffic than you do! Kinda pathetic. O’Neil seems like a hyper-sensitive twat. Word to the wise: when you’re attacked on the blogosphere rather soberly and without ad hominems, you don’t really appear like the bigger person or help your case when you go into a shrill defense of your work and start listing your accolades unless they’ve really hit a nerve and or your pretty insecure about your work. They’re a blog, you work for the L.A. Times already. “And the who are you? You’re a nobody!” is total weak sauce too. If this person is such a non-entity, why are you even bothering to respond? Grow up. [Vulture]

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